Welcome to Suffolk Owl Sanctuary
Suffolk Owl Sanctuary is open daily 10am - 5pm and offers the opportunity to meet over 70 stunning owls and fascinating birds of prey from around the world. Visitors are always welcome to chat with our friendly staff all about raptors of all kinds and meet our mob of cheeky meerkats, fascinating Hairy Armadillos and African Crested Porcupines during special talks at 11.00, 2.00 and 3.30 daily. For youngsters, a visit provides a chance to take the S.O.S. Safari trail, with a prize for them all. Admission is with a come-&-go ticket so you can visit the interesting shops and other attractions at Stonham Barns Park and return to us throughout the day as often as you wish.
Carers are free of charge (please show validation) DOWNLOAD a map of S.O.S. here
It helps us if you can pre-book your visit but this is not essential. However, please ask to Gift Aid your admission whenever possible at point of entry. Thank you.
Annual Membership
300+ visits to Suffolk Owl Sanctuary for less than the price of 3!
An annual season ticket for 12 months access to Suffolk Owl Sanctuary offers great value for money - for less than the price of three regular admission tickets, your opportunity to visit us as often as you like throughout the seasons.
Adults £40.00
Juniors aged 4-14 £30.00
Seniors & Concessions £30.00
Family Group 5 (incl. at least 1 child) £75.00
Disabled Visitors as above, accompanying carers & children 3 and under go free
Suffolk Owl Sanctuary is supported by voluntary donations and admission charges from members of the visiting public. We are WHOLLY RELIANT on this income for the upkeep of the Centre, the welfare of the birds and animals, the funding of our education and conservation projects and especially the rescue and rehabilitation of injured wild birds of prey. All monies collected are used only for this purpose.
Admission can be booked in advance or paid for on the day of your visit - If you would like a CLOSE ENCOUNTER experience with an owl, our meerkats, armadillos or porcupines these can be booked in advance or by calling us on 03456 807 897/option 4 and we will make the bookings for you.
Stonham Barns Park is a great place to spend the day - there are numerous craft & gift shops, a garden centre, adventure golf, soft play barn and a café / bistro, plus plenty of free parking and many traffic-free areas.
The Suffolk Owl Sanctuary at Stonham Barns Park is situated on the A1120 Tourist route, easily accessible from the A14, A12 and A140 - simply follow the brown signs, or click on the Map button below. Our telephone number is (local rate number) 03456 807 897 / Option 3.
Whilst the centre remains fully operational and your visit will not be inconvenienced, we are refurbishing some aviaries and enclosures for the benefit of birds and visitors alike.
As a precautionary measure to preserve the safety of both the birds and visiting canines, we regret that dogs are not allowed in the centre - this includes guide or assistance dogs.
All flying displays, exercising sessions and Close Encounters are weather permitting, and in inclement or exceptional conditions - for instance, extremely hot, and very wet or windy days - flying displays may be replaced by talks in the interests of the birds and animals in our care. If in doubt, please call us on 03456 807897 / Option 3 to check our display programme before travelling