Who enjoys watching TV soaps and dramas? Did you know that something just as captivating is happening right outside in our countryside, and you can watch it, for free, and from the comfort of your own sofa, thanks to dedicated individuals and organisations.
Norwich Cathedral Peregrine nest. Image credit Hawk and Owl Trust.
The use of remote cameras to monitor wildlife is nothing new, but thanks to cheaper technology their popularity has boomed in the past few years, and the recent lockdowns has led to many sharing their footage with a wider audience online.
Here is a selection of our favourites which you might be interested in (most of these websites have links to several different nests):
Hawk and Owl Trust - several cameras, including Norwich Cathedral Peregrines
Wildlife Trust webcams - including Ospreys, Peregrines and Barn Owls
Nest Box Live - several cameras, including Kestrels
Wildlife Kate - lots of nest cameras, including Tawny Owl and Kestrel
Robert Fuller - lots of remote cameras including Kestrel and Barn Owl
Dyfi Ospreys
Loch of the Lowes Ospreys
Mangolinkcam - links to lots of nest cameras from around the world, including eagles, hawks, vultures and owls.