Encounter/Experiences T&C's — Suffolk Owl Sanctuary

BIRD FLU - we are safely open to visitors during the current outbreak - click HERE for more information


FOR YOUR SAFETY, these written guidance notes are relevant for the following experiences:

• Owl Encounter • • Animal Keeper Experience (half day)
• Meerkat Encounter • •  Bird Keeper Experience (half day)
• Armadillo Encounter •  Keeper For The Day Experience (full day)
• Crested Porcupine Encounter

As our guest you will be given a brief induction upon arrival. Its content will depend upon the type of experience and may include familiarisation with the Animal Trainers/Keepers’ kitchen area, location of toilets and wash facilities. During your experience you may have the opportunity to meet other keepers and you are more than welcome to ask them about the animals in their care.

It is in your interests and the interests of the animals that you may come into close proximity with, to be very particular about health and safety and your personal hygiene.

The following points may be relevant to ALL experiences:

1.    You must not feed or attempt to feed the animals unless it is part of the experience you have booked. In all cases you will be instructed by your experience organiser whether or not this is permitted.

2.    If you are unable to attend your booked encounter / experience, please notify us at least 48 hours in advance.

3.    The well-being of our birds and animals is always our top priority. They are given the choice to participate in the Animal Experiences and do choose to participate the majority of the time. However, if they choose to not take part, an alternative experience will be given on a case-by-case basis. 

4.    Please note that some animal and bird enclosures are only accessible via step-over entrances and may not be suitable for those with mobility issues.

5.    You must not have food or drink with you during your experience. Many animals have a much better developed sense of smell than our own and can detect food in pockets, etc. 

6.    Smoking is not permitted during the experience or in any areas within the sanctuary.

7.    In the case of an emergency such as fire etc, you will be treated as a member of the public and will be evacuated or taken to a place of safety at the first available opportunity. Under no circumstances should you be asked to or try to assist in any emergency.

8.    At no stage throughout the experience will you be left in any animal areas unsupervised. Should your experience organiser need to leave an area for any reason whatsoever, you will be taken to a public area where you must remain until the organiser returns.

9.    The authority and dictates of SOS and its staff and volunteers must be adhered to at all times and the basic safety policies followed whilst in the working environment of the collection. You must follow all verbal instructions at all times. This is both for safety reasons and to aid, rather than disrupt, the normal running of the centre. Should you refuse to follow the instructions given to you by a member of our staff, we reserve the right to terminate the experience immediately in such circumstances and no compensation will be given.

10. Other members of the public, etc, must be treated with due respect at all times.

11. Although mobile phones are allowed on site, we would ask you not to make or receive calls during your experience; all phones should be placed on ‘silent’ during your experience and may be used only to take photographs.

12. Health and safety policy: our centre has a printed Health and Safety policy, which is available to all staff and which you are welcome to read during your experience. All permanently employed staff have a copy of the policy and are familiar with its contents. Should you wish to view this document, please ask the experience organiser.

13. Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly, especially after entering or working in animal areas, at the end of your experience and before eating. There are various washing facilities within the centre and upon exiting, staff will direct you to the nearest facility available.

14. Cover all cuts, abrasions and sores at all times and do not touch your lips, eyes or face with dirty hands during the course of your experience. All accidents must be logged in the accident book and reported to a senior member of staff.

15. If your experience requires you to handle dusty fodder or bedding in a confined area you must wear a face mask (face masks will be provided).

16. PVC impervious gloves must also be worn if your experience requires you to handle meat or fish products (gloves will be provided) 

17. For the parents/guardians of children taking part in an animal experience: There are no HSE guidelines relating to recommended weights that can be lifted by children; however, participants will not be expected to lift anything of significant weight. Should you be aware of any problems with lifting beyond what would normally be expected of someone of your child’s age (light feed buckets, cleaning tools etc) please inform your experience organiser at the first available opportunity, they will then make every effort to tailor the experience.

18. Please note that if you are pregnant, for health reasons, you will not be allowed to participate in any of our pre-bookable or on the day animal experiences.


Disclaimer: Wild animals can be unpredictable. SOS will endeavour to ensure that you are not exposed to any unnecessary danger during your time with us, but will not be held liable for any injury caused as a result of not following the above guidelines. It is the responsibility of the guest to highlight any part of the experience that they feel will be too difficult for them to undertake. The charity will not accept any responsibility for damage to clothing, and all jewellery is worn at the owner’s risk. The experience organiser will also use their judgement to assess the suitability of the guest throughout the experience proceedings and will, at their discretion, suggest an alternative to the programme should it be felt necessary. If they have any concerns about the safety of the experience guest then in all cases the decision of the experience organiser will be final.

For experience guests aged under 18 years old, a parent or guardian of the child must sign below to confirm that the person/s carrying out the experiences is/are 8+ or 13+ years old depending on the experience chosen.

You will be asked to confirm you have read and understood the above disclaimer and the attached guidelines at the time of your visit. You will be able to confirm or deny whether you give permission for the photographs taken of yourself/your family/child/children during the experience to be used for publicity material, promotional work and website only. You will receive no financial reward and all photographs taken will remain the property of SOS.