The Suffolk Owl Sanctuary is hugely indebted to every one of its generous supporters who consistently donate funds, ensuring that its hospital's treatment and rehabilitation work, conservation programmes and educational outreach work can continue.
It’s body of supporters includes a huge diversity of individuals and groups of all ages, nationalities and backgrounds. They are all motivated by one common interest - their passion for wildlife in general and owls in particular!
Talented artist Patrick raised funds for the Sanctuary by selling his paintings and drawings.
The sanctuary was recently lucky enough to receive a large and hard earned donation from one of its youngest fundraisers - eight year old Patrick Hagan.
Patrick attends St. Edmund’s Primary School in Hoxne and enjoys Art and P.E. His greatest loves are dogs and owls and it was whilst out walking in the countryside with his family dog, Miller, that he was inspired to undertake a project to raise money for owl conservation.
Patrick decided to utilise his artistic talents for the cause close to his heart and undertook something of an artistic marathon in order to raise funds! He set to work to build a portfolio of paintings and drawings which he was then able to sell to family and friends and in only a few months raised an astonishing £50.00!
Spirit the Barn Owl and Liz the falconer say a big “Thank You” to Patrick for his generous donation.
This he generously gifted to the owl sanctuary to assist with the costs involved in the treatment and rehabilitation of wild injured owls admitted to the centre's raptor hospital.
The whole falconry team were extremely impressed by all Patrick's hard work and hugely touched by his selfless gesture in donating the proceeds to the work of its charity. Patrick made a special trip to the sanctuary to present the funds he had raised in person and they were graciously received by falconer Liz and Spirit the Barn Owl. Patrick, his Mum and brother spent the rest of the morning enjoying the Sanctuary’s birds and flying display.
In recognition of his fantastic achievement, Patrick received a free owl adoption and an annual pass to the sanctuary for himself and his family. In the artist’s own words “I enjoyed raising money for the owls and hope to do something again soon…”
Thank you once again Patrick, from all the staff and birds of the Suffolk Owl Sanctuary!